From our local Edible magazine, this article about our family, farm, and the flavor of our garlic is wonderfully done and a true honor! Read the beginning here and click the link for the full read on the Edible Western New York website!
“Black garlic has been described by the Japanese as umami, which translates as having a pleasant savory taste. Despite being used for hundreds of years in Korean and Vietnamese cultures, it remains widely unknown in the United States, save for a handful of chefs, foodies and consumers who have been won over by its versatility and taste.
If left up to Alan and Kathleen Ramm – with the marketing assistance of their son Kit – from Ribbon Road Farm in Sherman, that may soon change.
The Ramms have grown garlic on their 50-acre farm since 1999 and have been Certified Organic by the National Organic Farming Association (NOFA) since 2005. Today, they produce nine varieties of organic garlic yielding between 10,000-15,000 pounds a year, including softneck, hardneck and elephant varieties. Chefs and others have lauded their garlic as having a distinct flavor arising from the unique growing conditions, harsh winters and soil conditions in western New York, as well as the Ramms’ expertise in feeding the soil with garlic-loving organic materials such as buckwheat and clover for nitrogen and pelletized chicken manure….